Tuesday, November 22, 2016

An Apology For Pokémonth

...So you might have noticed that this month has gone a bit... Poké-less. It's been almost three weeks since I posted the introduction and there have been no updates since then. ...Well, the reason is that it's been a regular Murphy's Law the last few weeks. Everything that can go wrong HAS gone wrong. I was sick, my computer malfunctioned, the voice actress for the female roles in the videos had computer problems, I had TWO job interviews I had to prepare for, both of which I didn't get, and I had some meetings to go to that I was only notified about at the very last minute, during time I had set aside for writing and editing. And with everything that's been going on with this month, when I was home and in some shape to work, I just couldn't get it together and spent the rest of the day playing Spelunky...

Now that's not to say that I haven't done ANYTHING. The first two weeks' reviews(four in total) are written up and ready to be published. It's just the supplementary videos I include with the posts take a little longer to film and edit, and with everything that's been going on, I've only JUST had the chance to get the material together and sit down and start editing. I got the first week's done and I'm currently finishing the second week. Then I have to start writing and filming this week's stuff, so I'm aiming to be caught up by Sunday at the latest. And before the month's out, I hope to do something special to wrap up Pokémonth(or PokéWEEK at this point), so we'll see if time and luck are on my side(especially with Thanksgiving coming up.)

Again, I'd REALLY like to apologize for the lack of content these last few weeks. I had the idea to do some filler articles/reviews(preferably ones that don't require a video or where a video can easily be cobbled together), but I couldn't think of anything that fit this month's theme. But from now on, if I can't get the content out in a decent amount of time(probably around a week and a half at most), I will try to post SOMETHING. It may be something outside of this blog's focus, but I will try to make it entertaining and, hopefully, make up for the lack of a review. Because you are my loyal readers and I try to entertain and inform and break up the monotony of everyday life by giving you something new and exciting as often as possible.

So again, thank you for your patience and sorry for the lack of content. I've finished the first week's stuff, so it'll be up momentarily, and I will try to get the second and third week's stuff up this week. Hope you read, watch, and enjoy, and I'll talk to you guys when I get the reviews up and running.


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