Sunday, December 4, 2016

The Brick Miser: Advent Calendar 2016: Mega Bloks Despicable Me: Day 2

Day 2: Fireplace

On the second day, the Minions created a fireplace model. And I saw that it was good. ...Not spectacular, but still good.

Yeah, it's your basic fireplace construction. Make a wide enough space to put the fire in and then arch some bricks over it. It gets the job done.

I do like the fire mold and that they didn't just copy the standard thin Lego fire brick. This actually does give the fire a bit of body. All the better to roast chestnuts over. ...Which you actually don't do around Christmas, since that's a Yuletide tradition, which is a forgotten pre-Christmas event that about a third of all Christmas carols are based around... and you've just tuned out, haven't you? I'm just rambling.

And there's a little grate on the top, so good attention to detail.

What I don't like is that they slapped a serial number on the base brick. This is something I see a lot of with third-party brick sets, but the first time I've seen it with a major distributor. Still, what's the point? Is it some sort of tracking indicator, so they know how many sets they've made just by one of the bricks? ...Well, whatever it is, it ruins the illusion when you're staring at a "Made in China" stamp on a brick construction.

Overall, not bad. For a miniset fireplace, it works and it shows that Mega Bloks doesn't just copy off of Lego for everything. ...Most of the time...

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