Day 5: Jelly Jar
Well, it was bound to happen eventually, but we finally got a bad one out of the calendar, since today's gift is a jar of jelly...
First of all, it's only two pieces. You get a transparent purple cylinder and a round flat brick. ...I guess I didn't expect a jelly jar to be complicated to put together, exactly. ...But then that just brings up that WE GOT A FREAKING JELLY JAR!
Ok, I know where they were going with this. It's a reference to the terrible jelly Gru started producing in Despicable Me 2 as a sign he had reformed.
But they didn't even get it right! They completely left out "Mr Gru" and slapped "Old Fashion Jelly" on top of one of the least convincing designs for a lid I've ever seen!
Yes. "Old Fashion." ...Are we sure K-Mart wasn't unintentionally stocking Chinese bootlegs?
Also, right out of the package and the text has started to fade. ...I'm trying to give Mega Bloks a chance to redeem itself after receiving the Nuketown set, and they're just making it so hard for me...
So, no, I don't like this one. Maybe if it was part of a bigger set like a picnic table, or if it was meant to later be gift-wrapped with a ribbon or inside a package, that would have been creative. But since this is a stand-alone item, it's a waste of space...
Still, it is only one bad item out of the five we've see so far. Maybe the next one will more than make up for it? ...I feel like I just set myself up...
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