Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The Brick Miser: Advent Calendar 2017: Mega Bloks Monster High: Day 18

Day 18: Spider Recliner

Today gives us the third and (hopefully)final recliner of the calendar. And look at that! They made an effort for this one to stand out more than the others!

The overall build is the same as the previous two, with angle bricks tilting the plates into a recliner-like pose for the figures to relax on.

The major differences here being that the bottom portion is simply a teal plate without a unique shape or "pillow bricks"

And that the headrest is one large spider web. ...A very fancy and frilly spider web as well, with branching curves on either side of the web that look like trees growing out of the center.

I'm suddenly reminded of a study I once read about how web patterns would change depending on the type of drug a spider was given. Which brings up the obvious question: What the heck kind of drug did they have to give it to result in this?!

Speaking of which, this model is lacking a certain feature. I'll quickly add it out of my own collection.

There we go! Surprised they didn't add the obvious before I did...

 And that's Frankie's recliner. Now all the Monster High students can sit back and relax as they get someone else to open their presents for them! Because, hey, it takes a long while to do their nails, and they're not going to ruin a perfectly good manicure to peel off wrapping paper! ...Especially not Clawdeen. Do you have any idea how hard it is to file down a wolf's claws?

We're in the homestretch of this calendar with less than a week to go! What will lie behind the next closed door? ...Hopefully no more repeats. I'm getting a little sick of them.

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